WordPress Family Award



I am honored to have been chosen to receive the “WordPress Family Award” from a wonderful blogger friend, Katheryn at allergictolifemybattle . Kathryn gave me this award before I got sick– then with  MCS brain fog I forgot about it again!!! To me this award signifies the bond that bloggers have through their words and actions. We become more than just a member of a blogging community but members of a blogging family.
The rules for this award are simple. They are:
(1) Display the award logo on your blog;
(2) Link back to the person who nominated you;
(3) Nominate 10 others you see as having an impact on your WordPress experience and family;
(4) Let your 10 Family members know you have awarded them; and
(5) That is it. Just please pick 10 people who have taken you as a friend, and spread the love.
My nominees:
  1. SARA at healthyforhim
  2. Mark Moore at theartstudiobymarkmoore
  3. Fergiemoto at creativityaroused.wordpress.com

  4. Segmation at segmation.com

  5. Lindsay at dysautonomiac.com

  6. If I nominate more– they are going to be be repeats or ones that I know will not want to accept the award!
  7. Thanks to my MCS sister Kathryn at  allergictolifemybattle !!

About sondasmcschatter

I was encouraged to start a blog as I suffer from MCS /multi chemical sensitivities & other health problems & I have helped several hundred others who suffer from MCS set up "Safe Homes" & given them encouragement & HOPE & share information & lots of laughs along the way also. When you choose to use fragrances, chemicals, or pesticides, You are not simply making a choice for yourself, You are making a choice for everyone around you!!!! What makes me an expert on MCS-- not a darn thing-- BUT have lived with it for years-& years- & have learned lots the HARD WAY-- by experience!! And want to give others help & HOPE & encouragement -- as I know there are not many who understand what it is to live with this illness- & ALL THAT GOES WITH IT!!! Internet has been my way of communication with many who we are confined to their "safe homes" all over the USA & other countries!! I have communicated with many HUNDRED by e-mail-- phone & letters & internet forums-- I hope this blog will help in a better way to share laughter-- hope & information!!! As for many are not any longer able to even leave their homes-- & communication is sooo important & sharing & encouragement & GIVING HOPE!!!
This entry was posted in Just chatter!!!!!!!, MCS, What the heck is going on in Branson???. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to WordPress Family Award

  1. You are so welcome Sonda.

  2. Fergiemoto says:

    Sorry for commenting on this so late, Sonda! Congratulations to you, and thank you so much for including me in your WordPress family!

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